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Israel at War: Operation Swords of Iron

Ben Kerido I was on my way to the local synagogue this morning when the sirens wailed loudly and mournfully. A barrage of incoming missiles from the Gaza Strip soared towards nearby Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and some fell towards our town,…

The Immortal Vision

An Inspirational Story for Simchat Torah Ben Kerido He was one hundred and twenty years old to the day; his eyes remained sharp and his strength and vigor were unabated .  His hair was white and thin, and his long,…

Kohelet (Ecclesiastes): The Purpose of Futility

Ecclesiastes 1:1-12:14 (3-4 minute read) During the Jewish festival of Sukkot, sometimes called the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles, the book of Kohelet, or Ecclesiastes, is traditionally read.  Written by King Solomon of Israel, Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) has the distinction of…

Haazinu: A Poem for Yom Kippur

(3-4 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 32:1-52 Ha’azinu is a relatively brief Torah portion primarily encompassing a poetic declaration by the Almighty for the posterity of the Jewish people.  The poem first calls for the heavens and the earth to “hear” (ha’azinu)…