Israel Defense Force Sergeant Major Ben Kerido, deployed with his special forces combat reserve unit, shares real time, first person updates from the front lines of Gaza during Operation Swords of Iron. Sarai Kerido, Ben’s wife and international communications professional, is supporting this project and also contributing her own thoughts and perspective as a proud Jewish woman of Israel trying to stay safe from incoming missiles and Palestinian Arab terror attacks while waiting for her husband to return home safely. 

This is a completely volunteer project to get the word out about what is REALLY happening in Israel and Gaza that the mainstream media with their notorious anti-Israel bias doesn’t want you to know. Support our unfunded, out-of-pocket volunteer project and the marketing / social media advertising budget through the link below. Even a few dollars / shekels helps immensely and makes a huge difference.

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Pekudei: The Importance of Details

(3-4 Minute Read) Exodus 38:21 – 40:38 Pekudei begins with the orders [or records] of the Mishkan, Tabernacle, which were drawn up at Moses’ instruction by the Levites under the supervision of Itamar, the son of Aaron the priest.  Bezalel…

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Vayakhel: Contributing by Abilities

(3 – 4 Minute Read) Exodus 35:1 – 38:20 The combined Torah portion of Vayakhel-Pekudei begins as Moses gathered the congregation of Israel and told them what the Eternal One commanded them.  On six days work could be done, but…

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Terumah: Physical Means for Spirituality

(3-4 Minute Read) Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 In Terumah, the Almighty spoke to Moses in order to tell the Israelites to provide voluntary donations of gold, silver, copper, colored yarns, fine linen, animal skins, oil, spices, jewels, and more.  The…

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Miketz: Good Rising out of Evil

(5-6 Minute Read) Genesis 41:1 – 44:17 Miketz begins two years after the release of the chief cupbearer pursuant to Joseph’s interpretation of his dream.  At this point Pharaoh himself had two dreams.  Seven sturdy and healthy cows came out…

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