Vayechi: Our Life and Land

Genesis 47:28 – 50:26 (4-5 Minute Read) The Torah portion Vayechi concludes the life of Jacob.  Jacob lived seventeen years in the land of Egypt, so the span of his life was 147 years.  When he neared the end of…

Vayigash: The Dynamics of Forgiveness

Genesis 44:18 – 47:27 (5-6 Minute Read) Vayigash is a Hebrew word that means “and he drew near.”  This Torah parasha, or portion, continues the narrative of Joseph as Judah drew near to his brother unsuspectingly and pleaded with him. …

Noah: A Flood of Revelation

(4-5 Minute Read) Genesis 6:9 – 11:31 The Torah parasha, or portion, of Noah, recounts the story of the famous Biblical character of the same name.  The Most High was grieved at the wickedness of humanity; but Noah, being “righteous,…

Bereishit: Choosing Life from the Beginning

(4-5 Minute Read) Genesis 1:1 – 6:8 The Torah begins with the Hebrew phrase Bereishit — “In the beginning” the Almighty created the heavens and the earth.  The first chapter of the Torah elaborates on this creation process, describing the…

The Immortal Vision

An Inspirational Story for Simchat Torah Ben Kerido He was one hundred and twenty years old to the day; his eyes remained sharp and his strength and vigor were unabated .  His hair was white and thin, and his long,…

V’Zot HaBrachah: Blessings from the Clouds

Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12 (2-3 Minute Read) The parasha, or Torah portion, of V’zot haBracha is defined by the series of blessings delivered by Moses to the twelve tribes of Israel before he died.  The blessings include:  may Reuben have life; may…

Kohelet (Ecclesiastes): The Purpose of Futility

Ecclesiastes 1:1-12:14 (3-4 minute read) During the Jewish festival of Sukkot, sometimes called the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles, the book of Kohelet, or Ecclesiastes, is traditionally read.  Written by King Solomon of Israel, Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) has the distinction of…

Haazinu: A Poem for Yom Kippur

(3-4 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 32:1-52 Ha’azinu is a relatively brief Torah portion primarily encompassing a poetic declaration by the Almighty for the posterity of the Jewish people.  The poem first calls for the heavens and the earth to “hear” (ha’azinu)…

The Prayer of Chanah (Hannah): the Power of Silence

I Samuel 1:1-2:10 (3-4 Minute Read) In addition to reading from the Torah on Rosh HaShanah, also known as Jewish New Year and the Festival of the Sounding of the Shofar (ram’s horn), a portion of the Tanakh is read…

Tazria-Metzora: The Consequences of Negative Speech

(3 -4 Minute) Leviticus 12:1 – 13:59 The Torah parshiyot, or portions, of Tazria and Metzora, primarily discuss the malady, quarantine, and remedy of tzaraat.  Tzaraat is commonly translated as “leprosy” in English. However, this is a misnomer, as tzaraat…

Shemini: Achieving holiness the RIGHT way

(5-6 Minute Read) Lev. 9:1-11:47 The Torah parasha, or Biblical portion, of Shemini first describes the inauguration of Aaron and his sons as the kohanim, or Levitical priesthood.  A fire issued from G-d to consume the original offerings, and the…