Re’eh: Tests of Loyalty

(4-5 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17 The Torah portion of Re’eh commences with Moses reminding the Jewish people of the importance of observing the Torah completely, and of the related blessings and curses.  Moses noted the Most High’s instructions that offerings…

Eikev: The Contrast Between Love and Respect

(3-4 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25 Moses’ discourse continues in this week’s Torah parasha, or portion, called Eikev.  Moses repeatedly encouraged the Jewish people to observe all of the commandments of the Torah, revering none but the Almighty.  Moses further reminded…

Vaetchanan: The Power of Love

(4-5 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 The Torah portion of Vaetchanan begins with Moses pleading with the Almighty to allow him to cross over the Jordan River into the land of Israel.  The Most High refused, but instead permitted Moses to…

Devarim: Two Concepts of Commandments

(3-4 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 1:1-3:21 The Book of Devarim, or Deuteronomy, begins with the Torah portion of the same name.  In Deuteronomy, near the end of his life Moses addressed the early Jewish nation on the other side of the…

The Lamentations of the Weeping Prophet

A Tale for Tisha B’Av By Ben & Sarai Kerido “Eikha…”  The choked sound was little more than a desperate whisper from an old man. Tears streamed down from the eyes of the renowned prophet of the Jewish kingdom, tracing…

Mattot-Massei: The Importance of Positive Speech

(2-3 Minute Read) Numbers 30:2-36:13 The combined Torah portions, or parshiot, of Mattot and Massei first discuss the technical guidelines for the process of making and annulling vows.  The Almighty commanded Moses to wage war against the Midianites in response…

Pinchas: Actions of Righteousness

(3-4 Minute Read) Numbers 25:10-30:1 This Torah portion begins with the commentary of the Holy One, Blessed Be He, on the actions of Pinchas (Phinehas).  The Eternal One praised Pinchas’ passionate execution of justice that abruptly ended the Israelite idolatry…

Balak: Our Source of Blessing

(3-4 Minute Read) Numbers 22:2-25:9 In the Torah portion of Balak, the Moabite king of the same name sent delegates to a sorcerer and “mercenary prophet” of sorts named Balaam.  The dignitaries, who also came from other nearby nations, such…

Chukkat: Striking the Rock with Judgment

(3-4 Minute Read) Numbers 19:1 – 22:1 In the Torah portion of Chukkat, the text first begins with the Almighty dictating the guidelines for the red heifer allowing for all future forms of ritual purification.  Miriam died, and the community…

Korach: An Unprecedented Rebellion

(4-5 Minute Read) Numbers 16:1-18:32 Korach and his band of mutinous Levites and other rebels, including Datan and Aviram, define the parasha, or Torah portion, of the same name.  Korach and his supporters approached Moses and Aaron, accusing them of…

Shelakh: Making the Transition to Leadership

(3-4 Minute Read) Numbers 13:1-15:41 Shelakh lekha is a Hebrew phrase meaning “Send for yourself,” and is the key theme of the parasha, or Torah portion, of the same name.  The parasha begins with the Holy One, Blessed Be He,…

Bechukkotai: The Eternal Link with the Land

(3 – 4 Minute Read) Leviticus 26:2-27:34 Bechukkotai defines in great detail exactly what tragedies would befall the Jewish people for forsaking the Holy One, Blessed Be He, as well as His Torah.  And not by coincidence, the Torah description…