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Terumah: Physical Means for Spirituality

(3-4 Minute Read) Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 In Terumah, the Almighty spoke to Moses in order to tell the Israelites to provide voluntary donations of gold, silver, copper, colored yarns, fine linen, animal skins, oil, spices, jewels, and more.  The…

Vayechi: Our Life and Land

Genesis 47:28 – 50:26 (4-5 Minute Read) The Torah portion Vayechi concludes the life of Jacob.  Jacob lived seventeen years in the land of Egypt, so the span of his life was 147 years.  When he neared the end of…

Vayigash: The Dynamics of Forgiveness

Genesis 44:18 – 47:27 (5-6 Minute Read) Vayigash is a Hebrew word that means “and he drew near.”  This Torah parasha, or portion, continues the narrative of Joseph as Judah drew near to his brother unsuspectingly and pleaded with him. …