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Behaalotekha: Life Dynamics and Power of Speech

(2-3 Minute Read) Numbers 8:1-12:14 Topically, the Torah parasha, or portion, of Behaalotekha contains a vast variety of different themes and elements.  We first read about the construction of each menorah lampstand for the Mishkan, or Tabernacle.  Following that, additional…

Emor: The Importance of Quality Time

(2 – 3 Minute Read) Leviticus 21:1-24:23 The Torah portion, or parasha, of Emor, first begins with a detailed set of commandments ensuring that the kohenim, or Levitical priests, maintained a perpetual state of heightened purity.  Following that discussion, the…

Kedoshim: Be Holy, For I Am Holy

(2-3 Minute Read) Leviticus 16:1 – 20:27 In the Torah parasha, or portion, of Kedoshim, the Almighty elaborates on key details of the Torah formula of personal holiness. Previously, in the linked portion of Acharei-Mot, the Torah begins the narrative…