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Devarim: Two Concepts of Commandments

(3-4 Minute Read) Deuteronomy 1:1-3:21 The Book of Devarim, or Deuteronomy, begins with the Torah portion of the same name.  In Deuteronomy, near the end of his life Moses addressed the early Jewish nation on the other side of the…

Pinchas: Actions of Righteousness

(3-4 Minute Read) Numbers 25:10-30:1 This Torah portion begins with the commentary of the Holy One, Blessed Be He, on the actions of Pinchas (Phinehas).  The Eternal One praised Pinchas’ passionate execution of justice that abruptly ended the Israelite idolatry…

Balak: Our Source of Blessing

(3-4 Minute Read) Numbers 22:2-25:9 In the Torah portion of Balak, the Moabite king of the same name sent delegates to a sorcerer and “mercenary prophet” of sorts named Balaam.  The dignitaries, who also came from other nearby nations, such…