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Israel at War: Desolation

Israel Gaza war Hamas Palestinian

Sergeant Major Ben Kerido shares real time, first person updates from the front lines of Gaza during Operation Swords of Iron. The Israel Defense Force Hummer convoy rumbled and bounced along a route near [redacted for security].  Our special forces…

Noah: A Flood of Revelation

(4-5 Minute Read) Genesis 6:9 – 11:31 The Torah parasha, or portion, of Noah, recounts the story of the famous Biblical character of the same name.  The Most High was grieved at the wickedness of humanity; but Noah, being “righteous,…

Israel at War: Yesh Li Cola

Israel Gaza war Hamas Palestinian

Sergeant Major Ben Kerido shares real time, first person updates from the front lines of Gaza during Operation Swords of Iron. It’s always good to have friends, especially in Israel. And the Israel Defense Force is no exception. One of…