Ben & Sarai Kerido
Israel Sushi / Ramblings of a Reservist
March 9, 2022

Ukraine is in a state of catastrophe as Russian forces surround and pummel Kyiv. Some of the Jews have fled, especially guided by the leadership of Chabad, including Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch, who recently arrived in Israel. Others – including even President Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself – have chosen to remain in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine and fight the Russian invaders.
We at Lehavdil reached out to Rabbi Markovitch and asked about how to help. One aspect he emphasized was prayer!
In traditional Judaism, we have a custom of prayerfully reciting Tehillim (Psalms) on behalf of someone in a dire or dangerous situation, especially our fellow Jews. And that certainly applies to President Zelenskyy and the citizens of Ukraine, both Jewish and otherwise.
So we have decided to start the “Tehillim Challenge for Ukraine,” inviting our readers to set just a few minutes aside and prayerfully recite at least one chapter of Tehillim (Psalms) on behalf of the people of Ukraine as they face the deadly Russian onslaught. Traditional Jews generally prefer to prayerfully recite Tehillim in Hebrew, but any language is acceptable.
That’s what I (Ben Kerido) did during my reserve military service with my IDF special forces unit (see video). I chose Tehillim (Psalm) 115, which is one of my favorites, and very appropriate for the situation.
Not unto us, O L-RD, not unto us, but unto Your name give glory, for Your mercy, and for Your truth’s sake. Why should the nations say: ‘Where now is their G-d?’ But our G-d is in the heavens; whatsoever pleased Him, He has done… O Israel, trust in the L-RD! He is their help and their shield! O house of Aaron, trust in the L-RD! He is their help and their shield! You that fear the L-RD, trust in the L-RD! He is their help and their shield. The L-RD has been mindful of us, He will bless. He will bless the house of Israel; He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the L-RD, both small and great… The dead do not praise the L-RD, nor do any that go down into silence; But we will bless the L-RD from this time forth and forever…[JPS 1917 Translation; hyphens used as a custom to respect the Almighty’s titles]
Any chapter of Tehillim (Psalms) is acceptable, but in addition to 115, the following are also considered very appropriate for the circumstances: Tehillim (Psalms) 20, 38, 69, 85, 86, 102, 130, 142, etc.
Please join us as we pray for Ukraine in the traditional Jewish manner. Please share this challenge to your social media, and call on your friends and family to also take just a few minutes to prayerfully recite at least one passage of Tehillim (Psalms) on behalf of Ukraine. And please include in the comments which chapter(s) of Tehillim (Psalms) you chose to recite. We would love to hear from you and see your show of spiritual solidarity!

It is a very dark time for Ukraine. Only the Almighty knows what fate awaits them. And as our great rabbinical sages such as Rabbi Yannai have stated in Pirkei Avot, “it is impossible for us to understand the prosperity and security of the wicked.” But we can also be comforted in knowing that the Almighty is the only true source of hope and refuge for those who call upon Him. As it is written in Tehillim (Psalms) 107:13-14:
They cried unto the L-RD in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and broke their bands in sunder.
May the Holy One, Blessed Be He, grant peace, protection, serenity, and safety to all the citizens of Ukraine. And may we see the justice of the Almighty in our lifetime.
Also from Ben & Sarai Kerido:
Explore the historical origins of Chabad Chassidic Judaism in the regions of Ukraine, Russia, and eastern Europe in these hyper-accurate historical novels recounting Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (the “Alter Rebbe”), the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Click on the image below!