Ben Kerido
(2-3 Minute Read)

Captain Ron Birman survived a recent helicopter crash just off the coast of Haifa in Israel. Tragically, the pilots of the helicopter, Lt. Col. Erez Sachyani and Maj. Chen Fogel, were killed in the crash. (Baruch Dayan HaEmet, Blessed is the True Judge, and may their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion.)
As he recovers in the hospital, Ron has been visited by key IDF military leaders, including Naval commander Major General David Saar Selma and the commander of the Air Force, Major General Amikam Nurkin.
The helicopter, a Eurocopter AS565 “Panther” (known in Israel as an Atalef, or “Bat”) crashed at 8:50 pm on January 3rd, 2022, apparently suffering from a technical failure. The pilots, Sachyani and Fogel, were killed in the crash, and rescue crews were not able to resuscitate them. Birman did manage to escape the sinking helicopter and was brought to the hospital for treatment accordingly.
Several days after the tragic accident, Captain Ron Birman was interviewed in a released video in which he emotionally recounts the details of the tragedy and wishes condolences to the families of his two fellow IDF service members who died.
[Link to the video and the IDF’s official Facebook page here:]
Check out the latest thriller novel from Ben Kerido, replete with Israeli special forces operations, international espionage by Mossad agents, and state-of-the-art IAF stealth aircraft. Click on the image below!